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Zebra Crossing Academy

Zebra Crossing Academy offers daycare, preschool, kindergarten and before/after school care programs based on the Montessori Method of Education, whereby each child grows independently in their natural surroundings, gaining confidence from that environment. Your child’s early years are vital in setting the basis for learning in the years to come. We encourage every child to reach their full potential and challenge them along the way. We are committed to providing excellence in child care with an emphasis on education that is strongly supported by the concept of emergent curriculum and specialty enrichment.

Safety, happiness and education are our top priorities. We make sure that we support all areas of development using different philosophies to work with both areas of the brain.

Education Pedagogy In All Of Our Programs


Waldorf-Inspired Practices

This approach, based on an understanding of child development was originated by Rudolf Steiner in Germany, the founder of Anthroposophy. Its pedagogy strives to develop pupils' intellectual, artistic, and practical skills in an integrated and holistic manner. The cultivation of students' imagination and creativity is a central focus.


Reggio Method

Reggio Method is intended to be child-centered, identifying and honoring the uniqueness of each child. This method believes that children are strong, competent, and powerful from birth. The areas of learning in the classroom would be art, construction, light and shadow play, dramatic play, sensory and creative expression.


Montessori Method

This system prepares children for the real and practical world, where they are supposed to work with people of different ages and dispositions. This scheme also enables the students to develop self-discipline, self-determination, and logical thinking. The students of Montessori exhibit a true lifelong love for learning and understanding their work rather than rote memorization. This method focuses on the students’ growth and development and promotes creativity and maturity in them.


Emergent Curriculum

Emergent curriculum is a philosophy of teaching and a way of planning curriculum that focuses on being responsive to children’s interests to create meaningful learning experiences. This philosophy prioritizes active participation, relationship building, flexible and adaptable methods, inquiry, and play-based learning. Curriculum is child-initiated, collaborative and responsive to the children’s needs and wants.



Specialty Enrichment

The Art School – Picasso’s Art Studio:

The Art program at Zebra Crossing Academy, helps children transcend limiting expectations and explore and develop their authentic selves through creativity education. The Art program is designed to encourage children to embrace, value and express their own experiences, and in the process, discover the joy and excitement of learning.

The Music School – Mozart’s Studio:

The music program offers children ages 19 months to 5 years of age, a solid foundation of music skills. The Academy delivers favorite songs and activities, instrumental music, books, and lyrics, learning games, and crafts.

The instructors are dynamic, creative, and passionate about teaching. They are dedicated to cultivating a lifelong love of music through the development of each student’s abilities

The Culinary School – World Cuisines:

There are many benefits to letting your child help you in the kitchen. They learn to follow directions, gain self-confidence, and practice their language skills. Learning to cook/bake can also develop their vocabulary, reading comprehension, counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing skill set. Your little one will also learn measurements, fractions, spatial relations, sequencing, logical thinking, prediction, cause and effect, and chemistry. 

Learning about food from different parts of the world will teach culture and home taste buds as well.  Socializing with other kids in a common pursuit of sustenance fosters cooperation in a way that does not put a lot of pressure on them.  Classes end with some type of tasting and sharing.

Secondary language and sign language:

Recent research has been leaning towards identifying areas in which bilingual children excel and the tests are conclusive. Therefore, there will be an emphasis at the Academy.  The results of these studies demonstrate that childhood bilingualism is a significant experience that has the power to influence the course and efficiency of children’s development. There is an abundance of anecdotal evidence -if not clinical evidence- to support the idea that children learn second languages more quickly than adults or even older students.

Sign language at the Academy is designed for kids, especially preschool and elementary ages, and is a playful, challenging, language-rich, activity that uses a variety of learning styles.  Signing is not only used to strengthen vocabulary, improve vocabulary, and support reading readiness, but using sign language will also provide learning through a fun bonding activity.

Physical Education:

At Zebra Crossing Academy children are encouraged to discover the joy in physical activity and to develop a deep appreciation of fitness, sportsmanship, and fair play.  Students in the younger levels learn a variety of skills while developing physical and spatial abilities in a safe environment. The ultimate goal is for every child to understand the importance of physical fitness and to develop a lifetime enjoyment of healthy physical activity. Our students attend regular classes in the Gymnasium.

The Culinary School – World Cuisines:

There are many benefits to letting your child help you in the kitchen. They learn to follow directions, gain self-confidence, and practice their language skills. Learning to cook/bake can also develop their vocabulary, reading comprehension, counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing skill set. Your little one will also learn measurements, fractions, spatial relations, sequencing, logical thinking, prediction, cause and effect, and chemistry. 

Learning about food from different parts of the world will teach culture and home taste buds as well.  Socializing with other kids in a common pursuit of sustenance fosters cooperation in a way that does not put a lot of pressure on them.  Classes end with some type of tasting and sharing.

Our Vision

  • To provide an environment that is caring, nurturing, and stimulating for each individual child.
  • To promote independence, maturity, confidence, and a love for learning within each child.
  • To build self-esteem is paramount, act independently and responsibly.
  • Using the Montessori, Reggio and Waldorf, emergent curriculum and specialty enrichment methods ensure that each child is learning at their own pace as each child is unique.
  • To encourage each child to reach their full potential by working individually and as a team and have the ability to make good decisions.
  • To strive for parents and teachers to work together in order to have each child succeed and ensure that each experience is a beneficial one.
  • To support each child in feeling that Zebra Crossing Academy is a place where they can achieve success and grow and not have fear to share and express their feelings.
  • To ensure that our school provides the foundation for lifelong learning and is a stepping stone which each child will carry with them in every aspect of their life.

Our Mission

Children are curious beings and when given the opportunity to explore, they will challenge themselves in order to achieve success. We will provide the child with a firm academic foundation to get them ready for the next phase in their life.

“Our care of the children should be governed not by the desire to ‘make them learn things’, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within them the light which is called intelligence.”

Maria Montessori

Our Programs

Academic DAYCARE

PRESCHOOL AND Kindergarten


We Provide Excellence In Childcare With An Emphasis On Education